http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).03      10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).03      Published : Sep 2021
Authored by : Kiran Tahir , Atif Ashraf , Majid ul Ghafar

03 Pages : 20-32


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    APA : Tahir, K., Ashraf, A., & Ghafar, M. u. (2021). Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV(III), 20-32. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).03
    CHICAGO : Tahir, Kiran, Atif Ashraf, and Majid ul Ghafar. 2021. "Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III): 20-32 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).03
    HARVARD : TAHIR, K., ASHRAF, A. & GHAFAR, M. U. 2021. Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV, 20-32.
    MHRA : Tahir, Kiran, Atif Ashraf, and Majid ul Ghafar. 2021. "Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV: 20-32
    MLA : Tahir, Kiran, Atif Ashraf, and Majid ul Ghafar. "Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV.III (2021): 20-32 Print.
    OXFORD : Tahir, Kiran, Ashraf, Atif, and Ghafar, Majid ul (2021), "Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan", Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III), 20-32
    TURABIAN : Tahir, Kiran, Atif Ashraf, and Majid ul Ghafar. "Portrayal of Parents and Children Behavior: A Study of TV Drama Serials in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review IV, no. III (2021): 20-32. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).03