Authored by : Sabahat Parveen , Asif Iqbal , Muhammad Faisal Farid

20 Pages : 254-263


  • Al Shayeb, A. M. (2013). Finance Graduates’ Knowledge and Skills Development: Graduate and Employer Perceptions in United Arab Emirates. Journal of Education for Business, 88(6), 307–313.
  • Allen Consulting Group. (2006). Assessment and reporting of employability skills in training packages. Report to the Department of Education, Science and Training. Perth: Allen Consulting.
  • Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). English communication skills: How are they taught at schools and universities in Oman? English Language Teaching, 5(4), 124-130.
  • Archer, W., & Davison, J. (2008). Graduate employability: What do employers think and want?
  • Baqadir, A., Patrick, F., & Burns, G. (2011). Addressing the skills gap in Saudi Arabia: Does vocational education address the needs of private sector employers? Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 63(4), 551-561.
  • Bharathi, A. V. (2016). Communication skills– core of employability skills: Issues and concerns. Higher Learning Research Communications, 6(4). 1-12.
  • British Council. (2013). Graduate employability in the Middle East and North Africa: post- Arab Spring. British Council
  • Brown, P., & Hesketh, A. (2004). The mismanagement of talent: employability and jobs in the knowledge economy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Brown, J. D., & Miller, J. L. (2019). Communication apprehension, communication competence, and college students’ communication satisfaction: Investigating associations with a perceived understanding of instructors’ communication. Communication Education, 68(2), 163-177.
  • Garcia, D. J. (2017). Cross-cultural communication competence and employability in multinational enterprises. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 59, 47-57.
  • Johnson, A. B., Smith, R. H., & Williams, K. D. (2017). Communication apprehension as a predictor of job interview outcomes. Communication Research Reports, 34(3), 235-243.
  • Lee, S. (2016). Enhancing employability skills through communication training: A case study of a university communication course. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(5), 961-976.
  • Smith, E. R. (2018). Communication confidence and job interview success: Investigating the mediating role of impression management. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46(1), 1- 21.
  • Chithra, R. (2013). Employability skills: A study on the perception of the engineering students and their prospective employers. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(5), 525-534.
  • El-Sakran, T. (2012). Voices From the United Arab Emirates: engineering graduates' labor market requisite competencies. American Journal of Engineering Education, 3(2), 105-114.
  • Ferrari, A., & Dhingra, I. (2009). India’s investment climate: Voices of Indian business. Washington, DC: World Bank publications.
  • Graddol, D. (2007). English next: Why global English may mean the end of 'English as a foreign language'. British Council:
  • Hager, P. (2006). Nature and development of graduate attributes. In S. Holland, & P. Hager, Graduate attributes, learning and employability (pp. 17-48). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Harvey, L. (2001). Defining and measuring employability. Quality in Higher Education, 7(2), 97-109.
  • Higher Education Council. (2015). Industry and employer graduate skills requirements: Kingdom of Bahrain. Manama: Higher Education Council.
  • Keller, S., Parker, C., & Chan, C. (2011). Employability skills: student perceptions of an IS final year capstone project. ITALICS, 10(2).
  • Lowden, K., Hall, S., Elliot, D., & Lewin, J. (2011). Employers' perceptions of the employability skills of new graduates. London: Edge Foundation.
  • McLean, M. (2010). Citizens for an unknown future: developing generic skills and capabilities in the Gulf context. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 7(2), 9-31.
  • Mishra, R., Alseddiqi, M., & Pislaru, C. (2009). An improved employability skills model and its compliance through the vocational educational system in Bahrain. The International Journal of Learning, 16(9), 699-718.
  • Nagarajan, R. (2013, June 23). Poor English and computer skills make graduates unemployable. Times of India.
  • Pandey, Dr. N. (2013). Awareness of Life Skills for for Job Sustainability amongst Management Students. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Pandey, M., & Pandey, P. (2014). Better English for better employment opportunities. International journal of multidisciplinary approach and studies, 1(4), 93-102.
  • Paulrajan, R. (2011). Employability skills in Chennai retail market, India. Acta Universitatis Danubius (Economica), 7, 16- 30
  • Tuzlukova, V., & Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Culture-based curriculum dimensions. In R. Al-Mahrooqi, & V. Tuzlukova (Eds.), The Omani ELT symphony: maintaining linguistic and socio-cultural equilibrium (pp. 33-70). Muscat: Sultan Qaboos University Academic Publication Board.
  • Yorke, M. (2004). Employability in higher education: What it is, what it is not. Higher Education Academy/ ESECT.
  • Yorke, M., & Knight, P. (2003). Learning, curriculum, and employability in higher education. London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Yorke, M., & Knight, P. (2006). Embedding employability into the curriculum. Learning and Employability Series 1. York: Higher Education Academy.
  • Al Shayeb, A. M. (2013). Finance Graduates’ Knowledge and Skills Development: Graduate and Employer Perceptions in United Arab Emirates. Journal of Education for Business, 88(6), 307–313.
  • Allen Consulting Group. (2006). Assessment and reporting of employability skills in training packages. Report to the Department of Education, Science and Training. Perth: Allen Consulting.
  • Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). English communication skills: How are they taught at schools and universities in Oman? English Language Teaching, 5(4), 124-130.
  • Archer, W., & Davison, J. (2008). Graduate employability: What do employers think and want?
  • Baqadir, A., Patrick, F., & Burns, G. (2011). Addressing the skills gap in Saudi Arabia: Does vocational education address the needs of private sector employers? Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 63(4), 551-561.
  • Bharathi, A. V. (2016). Communication skills– core of employability skills: Issues and concerns. Higher Learning Research Communications, 6(4). 1-12.
  • British Council. (2013). Graduate employability in the Middle East and North Africa: post- Arab Spring. British Council
  • Brown, P., & Hesketh, A. (2004). The mismanagement of talent: employability and jobs in the knowledge economy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Brown, J. D., & Miller, J. L. (2019). Communication apprehension, communication competence, and college students’ communication satisfaction: Investigating associations with a perceived understanding of instructors’ communication. Communication Education, 68(2), 163-177.
  • Garcia, D. J. (2017). Cross-cultural communication competence and employability in multinational enterprises. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 59, 47-57.
  • Johnson, A. B., Smith, R. H., & Williams, K. D. (2017). Communication apprehension as a predictor of job interview outcomes. Communication Research Reports, 34(3), 235-243.
  • Lee, S. (2016). Enhancing employability skills through communication training: A case study of a university communication course. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(5), 961-976.
  • Smith, E. R. (2018). Communication confidence and job interview success: Investigating the mediating role of impression management. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46(1), 1- 21.
  • Chithra, R. (2013). Employability skills: A study on the perception of the engineering students and their prospective employers. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(5), 525-534.
  • El-Sakran, T. (2012). Voices From the United Arab Emirates: engineering graduates' labor market requisite competencies. American Journal of Engineering Education, 3(2), 105-114.
  • Ferrari, A., & Dhingra, I. (2009). India’s investment climate: Voices of Indian business. Washington, DC: World Bank publications.
  • Graddol, D. (2007). English next: Why global English may mean the end of 'English as a foreign language'. British Council:
  • Hager, P. (2006). Nature and development of graduate attributes. In S. Holland, & P. Hager, Graduate attributes, learning and employability (pp. 17-48). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Harvey, L. (2001). Defining and measuring employability. Quality in Higher Education, 7(2), 97-109.
  • Higher Education Council. (2015). Industry and employer graduate skills requirements: Kingdom of Bahrain. Manama: Higher Education Council.
  • Keller, S., Parker, C., & Chan, C. (2011). Employability skills: student perceptions of an IS final year capstone project. ITALICS, 10(2).
  • Lowden, K., Hall, S., Elliot, D., & Lewin, J. (2011). Employers' perceptions of the employability skills of new graduates. London: Edge Foundation.
  • McLean, M. (2010). Citizens for an unknown future: developing generic skills and capabilities in the Gulf context. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 7(2), 9-31.
  • Mishra, R., Alseddiqi, M., & Pislaru, C. (2009). An improved employability skills model and its compliance through the vocational educational system in Bahrain. The International Journal of Learning, 16(9), 699-718.
  • Nagarajan, R. (2013, June 23). Poor English and computer skills make graduates unemployable. Times of India.
  • Pandey, Dr. N. (2013). Awareness of Life Skills for for Job Sustainability amongst Management Students. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Pandey, M., & Pandey, P. (2014). Better English for better employment opportunities. International journal of multidisciplinary approach and studies, 1(4), 93-102.
  • Paulrajan, R. (2011). Employability skills in Chennai retail market, India. Acta Universitatis Danubius (Economica), 7, 16- 30
  • Tuzlukova, V., & Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Culture-based curriculum dimensions. In R. Al-Mahrooqi, & V. Tuzlukova (Eds.), The Omani ELT symphony: maintaining linguistic and socio-cultural equilibrium (pp. 33-70). Muscat: Sultan Qaboos University Academic Publication Board.
  • Yorke, M. (2004). Employability in higher education: What it is, what it is not. Higher Education Academy/ ESECT.
  • Yorke, M., & Knight, P. (2003). Learning, curriculum, and employability in higher education. London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Yorke, M., & Knight, P. (2006). Embedding employability into the curriculum. Learning and Employability Series 1. York: Higher Education Academy.

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    APA : Parveen, S., Iqbal, A., & Farid, M. F. (2023). Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(I), 254-263.
    CHICAGO : Parveen, Sabahat, Asif Iqbal, and Muhammad Faisal Farid. 2023. "Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (I): 254-263 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-I).20
    HARVARD : PARVEEN, S., IQBAL, A. & FARID, M. F. 2023. Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 254-263.
    MHRA : Parveen, Sabahat, Asif Iqbal, and Muhammad Faisal Farid. 2023. "Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 254-263
    MLA : Parveen, Sabahat, Asif Iqbal, and Muhammad Faisal Farid. "Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.I (2023): 254-263 Print.
    OXFORD : Parveen, Sabahat, Iqbal, Asif, and Farid, Muhammad Faisal (2023), "Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (I), 254-263
    TURABIAN : Parveen, Sabahat, Asif Iqbal, and Muhammad Faisal Farid. "Communication Confidence and Employability Skills Between Students of English Works and BS English Program: A Comparative Analysis." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. I (2023): 254-263.