Authored by : AtiyaDar , SaleemAkhtar

03 Pages : 17-39


  • Antlia, L. (2005). Climate of scepticism: US newspaper coverage of the science of climate change. Global Environmental Change, 15(4), 338-352.
  • Aram, A., & Thirumalaiah, N. (2016). Framing of environment in English and Tamil newspapers in India. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 9(1), 1-9 .
  • Anderson, A. (2009). Media, politics and climate change: Towards a new research agenda. Sociology Compass, 3(2), 166 -182.
  • Armitage, K. C. (2005). The United States and the politics of global warming. Globalizations, 2(3), 417-427.
  • Bennett, W, L. (2005). News as Reality TV: Election Coverage and the Democratization of Truth, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 2(2), 171-177.
  • Brossard, D., Shanahan, J., & McComas, K. (2004). Are issue cycles culturally constructed? A comparison of French and American coverage of global climate change. Mass Communication and Society, 7(3), 359-377.
  • Carvalho, A. (2007). Ideological cultures and media discourses on scientific knowledge: rereading news on climate change. Public Understanding of Science, (16), 223-243.
  • Castells, M. (2004). The power of identity (2nd ed.). Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Cottle, S. (2006). Mediatized Conflict: Developments in Media and Conflict Studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Couldry, N., & Markham, T. (2008). Troubled closeness or satisfied distance? Researching media consumption and public orientation. Media culture and society, 30(1), 5-21.
  • Chetty, K., Devadas, V., & Fleming, JS. (2015). The framing of climate change in New Zealand newspapers from June 2009 to June 2010. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 45(1), 1-20.
  • De Vreese, C. H., Peter, J., & Semetko, H. A. (2001). Framing politics at the launch of the Euro: A Cross national comparative study of frames in the news. Political Communication, (18), 107-122.
  • Dispensa, J. M., & Brulle R. J. (2003). Media’s social construction of environmental issues: focus on global warming-a comparative study. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23(10), 74-105.
  • Durham, F, D. (2007). Framing the State in Globalization: The Financial Times’ Coverage of the 1997 Thai Currency Crisis, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 24(1), 57-76.
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51–58.
  • Entman, R. M., & Rojecki, A. (2000). The black image in the white mind: Media and race in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Entman, R. M. (2004). Projections of power: Framing news, public opinion, and U.S. foreign policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Ereaut, G., & Segnit, N. (2006). Warm words: How are we telling the climate story and can we tell it better. London: Institute for public policy Research.
  • Freeman, B. C. (2017). Claims, Frames, and Blame: Coverage of Climate Change in ASEAN’s English Language Newspapers, 2002-2012. SAGE Open is an open access, 7(1),1-12.
  • Gamson, & Modigliani. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: a constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology 95(1), 1-37.
  • Gamson, W. (1992). “The Social Psychology of Collective Action”. In A. D. Morris & C. Mueller (Eds). Frontiers in social movement theory, 53-76. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Gamson, W. A. (1992). Talking Politics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press
  • Gelders, D., & Dirikx, A. (2010). To frame is to explain: A deductive frame-analysis of Dutch and French climate change coverage during the annual UN Conferences of the Parties. Public Understanding of Science, 19(6), 732-742 .
  • Gitlin, T. (1980). The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Hansen, A. (2010). Environment media and communication (2nd ed.). Routledge London
  • Hedding, K. J. (2011). Is it hotter out there or is it just the media: A comparative framing analysis of climate change in the New York Times and the Guardian (unpublished Master’s thesis). University of Denver, United States.
  • Hilgartner, S., & Bosk, C. L. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model. American Journal of Sociology 94(1), 53-78.
  • Houston, J. B., Pfefferbaum, B., & Rosenholtz, C. E. (2012). Disaster News: Framing and Frame Changing in Coverage of Major U.S. Natural Disasters, 2000– 2010. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(4), 606–623.
  • Howard-Williams, R. (2009). “Ideological construction of climate change in Australian and New Zealand newspapers”. In Boyce T, Lewis J (Eds.). Climate change and the media 28-40. New York, Peter Lang.
  • Iyengar, S. (1991). Is anyone responsible? Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kenix, L. J. (2008). Framing science: climate change in the mainstream and alternative news of New Zealand. Political Science, (60), 117-132. 00110
  • Kline, S. L., Karel, A. I., & Chatterjee, K. (2006). Covering adoption: General depictions in broadcast news. Family relations, 55(4), 487-498.
  • Langat, A. (2017). Print media coverage of environmental sustainability issues in Kenya: A content analysis of daily nation and standard, (master’s thesis unpublished). School of journalism and mass communication, university of Nairobi
  • Lester, L. (2010). Media and environment (1st ed.). Polity press UK.
  • Lugalambi, G. W. (2006). An Assessment of democratic deliberation in Uganda: a case study of the framing of key political issues in the press (published PhD thesis). Mass Communications, African University.
  • Lakoff, G. (2010). Why it Matters How We Frame the Environment, Environmental Communication, 4(1), 70-81.
  • Luther, C. A., & Zhou, X. (2005). Within the boundaries of politics: news framing of SARS in China and the United States. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(4), 857-872.
  • Martin, C. R. (2004). Framed: Labour and the corporate media. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
  • McCann, M. (2010). A framing study of media coverage on climate change from 1989 to 2009 (published Master's thesis). Journalism and Mass Communication, San Jose State University.
  • McComas, K., & Shanahan, J. (1999). Telling stories about global climate change. Communication Research, 26(1), 30-57.
  • Miller, M, M., & Riechert, P. B. (2000). Interest group strategies and journalistic norms, news media framing of environmental issues. In Allan, S., Adam, B., & Carter, C., Editor (Ed.), Environmental Risks and the Media. (45-53). London: Routledge.
  • Nelson, T. E., & Wiley E. A. (2001). “Issue frames that strike of value balance: A political psychology perspective”. In framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Nisbet, M. (2010). “Knowledge into action: framing the debates over climate change and poverty”. In D’Angelo P, Kuypers JA (Ed.), Doing news framing analysis: empirical and theoretical perspectives (43- 83). New York, Routledge.
  • Nisbet, M. C., & Scheufele, D. A. (2009). What’s next for science communication? Promising directions and lingering distractions. American Journal of Botany, 96(10), 1767-1778.
  • Nisbet, M. C., & Newman, T. P. (2015). “Framing, the Media, and Environmental Communication”. In The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication (325-338). Chapter 28, Routledge.
  • Park, S. C. (2012). How the media frame political corruption: episodic and thematic frame stories found in Illinois newspapers. Symposium conducted at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, SIUC, the Joyce Foundation, and the Union League Club of Chicago.
  • Reese, S. (2007). The Framing Project: A Bridging Model for Media Research Revisited. Journal of Communication, (57), 148-154.
  • Resse, D. S. (2010). “Finding Frames in a Web of Culture: The Case of the War on Terror”. In D’Angelo, P. & Kuypers, J.A. (Ed.), Doing News Framing Analysis: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives. Routledge: New York
  • Seitel, P. F. (2004). The practice of public relations, (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson.
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 93-110.
  • Scott, A. O. (2006). Warning of calamities and hoping for a change in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. New York Times, http://moves.nytimes.comonFebruary22,2010
  • Scheufele, D. A. (1999). Framing as a Theory of Media Effects. Journal of Communication. Journal of Communication, 49(1), 103-122.
  • Scheufele, D. A., & Tewksbury, D. (2007). Framing, agenda setting and priming: The evolution of three media effects models. Journal of Communication, 57(1), 9- 20.
  • Shanahan, M. (2009). “Time to Adapt? Media Coverage of Climate Change in No Industrialized Countries”. In Boyce, T. Lewis, & J. Peter Lang (eds.), Climate Change and the Media chapter 12 Publishing (146-157), New York
  • Tankard, W., Hendrickson, L., Silberman, J., Bliss, K., & Ghanem, S. (1991). Media frames: Approaches to conceptualization and measurement. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. New York, NY: The Free Press.
  • Weingart, P., Engels, A., & Pansegrau, P. (2000). Risks of communication: Discourse on climate change in science, politics, and the mass media. Public Understanding of Science, 9(3), 261-283.
  • Zaller, J. (1992). The nature and origins of mass opinion. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zehr, S. C. (2000). Public representations of scientific uncertainty about global climate change. Public Understanding of Science, (9), 85-103.
  • Antlia, L. (2005). Climate of scepticism: US newspaper coverage of the science of climate change. Global Environmental Change, 15(4), 338-352.
  • Aram, A., & Thirumalaiah, N. (2016). Framing of environment in English and Tamil newspapers in India. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 9(1), 1-9 .
  • Anderson, A. (2009). Media, politics and climate change: Towards a new research agenda. Sociology Compass, 3(2), 166 -182.
  • Armitage, K. C. (2005). The United States and the politics of global warming. Globalizations, 2(3), 417-427.
  • Bennett, W, L. (2005). News as Reality TV: Election Coverage and the Democratization of Truth, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 2(2), 171-177.
  • Brossard, D., Shanahan, J., & McComas, K. (2004). Are issue cycles culturally constructed? A comparison of French and American coverage of global climate change. Mass Communication and Society, 7(3), 359-377.
  • Carvalho, A. (2007). Ideological cultures and media discourses on scientific knowledge: rereading news on climate change. Public Understanding of Science, (16), 223-243.
  • Castells, M. (2004). The power of identity (2nd ed.). Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Cottle, S. (2006). Mediatized Conflict: Developments in Media and Conflict Studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Couldry, N., & Markham, T. (2008). Troubled closeness or satisfied distance? Researching media consumption and public orientation. Media culture and society, 30(1), 5-21.
  • Chetty, K., Devadas, V., & Fleming, JS. (2015). The framing of climate change in New Zealand newspapers from June 2009 to June 2010. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 45(1), 1-20.
  • De Vreese, C. H., Peter, J., & Semetko, H. A. (2001). Framing politics at the launch of the Euro: A Cross national comparative study of frames in the news. Political Communication, (18), 107-122.
  • Dispensa, J. M., & Brulle R. J. (2003). Media’s social construction of environmental issues: focus on global warming-a comparative study. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23(10), 74-105.
  • Durham, F, D. (2007). Framing the State in Globalization: The Financial Times’ Coverage of the 1997 Thai Currency Crisis, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 24(1), 57-76.
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51–58.
  • Entman, R. M., & Rojecki, A. (2000). The black image in the white mind: Media and race in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Entman, R. M. (2004). Projections of power: Framing news, public opinion, and U.S. foreign policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Ereaut, G., & Segnit, N. (2006). Warm words: How are we telling the climate story and can we tell it better. London: Institute for public policy Research.
  • Freeman, B. C. (2017). Claims, Frames, and Blame: Coverage of Climate Change in ASEAN’s English Language Newspapers, 2002-2012. SAGE Open is an open access, 7(1),1-12.
  • Gamson, & Modigliani. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: a constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology 95(1), 1-37.
  • Gamson, W. (1992). “The Social Psychology of Collective Action”. In A. D. Morris & C. Mueller (Eds). Frontiers in social movement theory, 53-76. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Gamson, W. A. (1992). Talking Politics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press
  • Gelders, D., & Dirikx, A. (2010). To frame is to explain: A deductive frame-analysis of Dutch and French climate change coverage during the annual UN Conferences of the Parties. Public Understanding of Science, 19(6), 732-742 .
  • Gitlin, T. (1980). The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Hansen, A. (2010). Environment media and communication (2nd ed.). Routledge London
  • Hedding, K. J. (2011). Is it hotter out there or is it just the media: A comparative framing analysis of climate change in the New York Times and the Guardian (unpublished Master’s thesis). University of Denver, United States.
  • Hilgartner, S., & Bosk, C. L. (1988). The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model. American Journal of Sociology 94(1), 53-78.
  • Houston, J. B., Pfefferbaum, B., & Rosenholtz, C. E. (2012). Disaster News: Framing and Frame Changing in Coverage of Major U.S. Natural Disasters, 2000– 2010. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(4), 606–623.
  • Howard-Williams, R. (2009). “Ideological construction of climate change in Australian and New Zealand newspapers”. In Boyce T, Lewis J (Eds.). Climate change and the media 28-40. New York, Peter Lang.
  • Iyengar, S. (1991). Is anyone responsible? Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kenix, L. J. (2008). Framing science: climate change in the mainstream and alternative news of New Zealand. Political Science, (60), 117-132. 00110
  • Kline, S. L., Karel, A. I., & Chatterjee, K. (2006). Covering adoption: General depictions in broadcast news. Family relations, 55(4), 487-498.
  • Langat, A. (2017). Print media coverage of environmental sustainability issues in Kenya: A content analysis of daily nation and standard, (master’s thesis unpublished). School of journalism and mass communication, university of Nairobi
  • Lester, L. (2010). Media and environment (1st ed.). Polity press UK.
  • Lugalambi, G. W. (2006). An Assessment of democratic deliberation in Uganda: a case study of the framing of key political issues in the press (published PhD thesis). Mass Communications, African University.
  • Lakoff, G. (2010). Why it Matters How We Frame the Environment, Environmental Communication, 4(1), 70-81.
  • Luther, C. A., & Zhou, X. (2005). Within the boundaries of politics: news framing of SARS in China and the United States. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(4), 857-872.
  • Martin, C. R. (2004). Framed: Labour and the corporate media. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
  • McCann, M. (2010). A framing study of media coverage on climate change from 1989 to 2009 (published Master's thesis). Journalism and Mass Communication, San Jose State University.
  • McComas, K., & Shanahan, J. (1999). Telling stories about global climate change. Communication Research, 26(1), 30-57.
  • Miller, M, M., & Riechert, P. B. (2000). Interest group strategies and journalistic norms, news media framing of environmental issues. In Allan, S., Adam, B., & Carter, C., Editor (Ed.), Environmental Risks and the Media. (45-53). London: Routledge.
  • Nelson, T. E., & Wiley E. A. (2001). “Issue frames that strike of value balance: A political psychology perspective”. In framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Nisbet, M. (2010). “Knowledge into action: framing the debates over climate change and poverty”. In D’Angelo P, Kuypers JA (Ed.), Doing news framing analysis: empirical and theoretical perspectives (43- 83). New York, Routledge.
  • Nisbet, M. C., & Scheufele, D. A. (2009). What’s next for science communication? Promising directions and lingering distractions. American Journal of Botany, 96(10), 1767-1778.
  • Nisbet, M. C., & Newman, T. P. (2015). “Framing, the Media, and Environmental Communication”. In The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication (325-338). Chapter 28, Routledge.
  • Park, S. C. (2012). How the media frame political corruption: episodic and thematic frame stories found in Illinois newspapers. Symposium conducted at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, SIUC, the Joyce Foundation, and the Union League Club of Chicago.
  • Reese, S. (2007). The Framing Project: A Bridging Model for Media Research Revisited. Journal of Communication, (57), 148-154.
  • Resse, D. S. (2010). “Finding Frames in a Web of Culture: The Case of the War on Terror”. In D’Angelo, P. & Kuypers, J.A. (Ed.), Doing News Framing Analysis: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives. Routledge: New York
  • Seitel, P. F. (2004). The practice of public relations, (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson.
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 93-110.
  • Scott, A. O. (2006). Warning of calamities and hoping for a change in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. New York Times, http://moves.nytimes.comonFebruary22,2010
  • Scheufele, D. A. (1999). Framing as a Theory of Media Effects. Journal of Communication. Journal of Communication, 49(1), 103-122.
  • Scheufele, D. A., & Tewksbury, D. (2007). Framing, agenda setting and priming: The evolution of three media effects models. Journal of Communication, 57(1), 9- 20.
  • Shanahan, M. (2009). “Time to Adapt? Media Coverage of Climate Change in No Industrialized Countries”. In Boyce, T. Lewis, & J. Peter Lang (eds.), Climate Change and the Media chapter 12 Publishing (146-157), New York
  • Tankard, W., Hendrickson, L., Silberman, J., Bliss, K., & Ghanem, S. (1991). Media frames: Approaches to conceptualization and measurement. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. New York, NY: The Free Press.
  • Weingart, P., Engels, A., & Pansegrau, P. (2000). Risks of communication: Discourse on climate change in science, politics, and the mass media. Public Understanding of Science, 9(3), 261-283.
  • Zaller, J. (1992). The nature and origins of mass opinion. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zehr, S. C. (2000). Public representations of scientific uncertainty about global climate change. Public Understanding of Science, (9), 85-103.

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    APA : Dar, A., & Akhtar, S. (2023). News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(I), 17-39.
    CHICAGO : Dar, Atiya, and Saleem Akhtar. 2023. "News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (I): 17-39 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-I).03
    HARVARD : DAR, A. & AKHTAR, S. 2023. News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 17-39.
    MHRA : Dar, Atiya, and Saleem Akhtar. 2023. "News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 17-39
    MLA : Dar, Atiya, and Saleem Akhtar. "News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.I (2023): 17-39 Print.
    OXFORD : Dar, Atiya and Akhtar, Saleem (2023), "News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (I), 17-39
    TURABIAN : Dar, Atiya, and Saleem Akhtar. "News Media Framing of the Environmental Issues: A Transnational Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and Britain." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. I (2023): 17-39.