Authored by : Qasim Mahmood , Zarmina Gull , Rao NadeemAlam

20 Pages : 206-214


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  • Yinjiao, Y., Ping, X., & Zhnag, M. (2016). Social media, public discourse and civic engagement in modern China. Thematics and Informatics, 34, 705-714
  • Benkler, Y. (2006). The wealth of networks: how social production transforms markets and freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Bennett, W. L., Wells, C., & Freelon, D. (2011). “Communicating Civic Engagement: Contrasting Models of Citizenship in the Youth Web Sphere.” Journal of Communication 61(5), 835–856.
  • Bennett, W. L. (2012). The personalization of politics: political identity, social media, and changing patterns of Participation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 644(1), 20-39.
  • Beers, D. (2006). The public sphere and online independent journalism. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(1), 109-130.
  • Bruns, A. (2005). Gate watching collaborative online news production. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Cardoso, G. (2008). From mass to network communication: Communication models and the informational society. International Journal of Communication, 2, 578-630.
  • Castells, M. (2000). The rise of the network society: the information age: economy, society, and culture (2nd ed. Vol. 1). Hobokon, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Castells, M. (2008). Communication power. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Chadwick, A. (2013). The hybrid media system, politics and power. In A. Chadwick. (Ed.), Digital Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Cogburn, D. L., & Espinoza-Vasquezb, F. K. (2011). From networked nominee to networked nation: examining the impact of Web 2.0 and social media on political participation and civic engagement in the 2008 Obama Campaign. J. Political Market, 10, 189-213.
  • Dalton, R. J., Sickle, A. V., & Weldon, S. (2009). The individual-institutional nexus of protest behaviour. British Journal of Political Science. (40), 51-70.
  • Earl, J. (2014). Something old and something new: a comment on “new media, new civics”. Policy & Internet, 6(2), 169-175.
  • Habermas, J. (1962). The Structural transformation of the Public Sphere. MIT Press
  • Habermas, J. (1996). Between facts and norms: Contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • Habermas, J. (2006). Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research. Communication Theory, 16: 411- 426.
  • Harcup, T., & O’Neill, D. (2017). What is news? Journalism Studies, 18(12), 1470-1488.
  • Hermida, A. (2014). Twitter as an ambient news network. In Katrin., Bruns., Axel., Burgess., Jean., Mahrt., Merja. & P. Cornelius (Eds.), Twitter and Society (359-372): Peter Lang Inc. New York.
  • Lazersfeld, P. F., Berelson, B., & Gaudet, H. (1944). The people's choice: how the voter makes up his mind in a presidential campaign. New York: Columbia University Press
  • mcNair, B. (2006). Cultural chaos: journalism, news, and power in a globalized world. England; New York: Routledge
  • Meraz, S. (2009). Is there an elite hold? Traditional media to social media agenda setting influence in blog networks. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 14(3), 682-707.
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2002). The virtual sphere: The internet as a public sphere. New Media & Society, 4(1), 9– 27.
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2015). Toward new journalism(s). Journalism Studies, 16(1), 27- 40.
  • Roberts, M., Wanta, W., & Dzwo, T. H. (2002). Agenda setting and issue salience online. Communication Research, 29(4), 452-465.
  • Rojas, H., & Puig-i-Abril, E. (2009). Mobilizers mobilized: information, expression, mobilization and participation in the digital age. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(4), 902-927.
  • Rosenstone, S. J. (2006). The people formerly known as audience. Press Think. Retrieved from
  • Valenzuela, S. (2013). Unpacking the use of social media for protest behavior: the role of information, opinion expression and activism. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(7), 920-942.
  • Vitak, J., Zube, P., & Smock, A. (2011). It’s complicated: Facebook users' political participation in the 2008 election. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 14(3), 107-114.
  • Xenos, M., Vromen, A., & Loader, B. D. (2014). The great equalizer? Pattern of social media use and youth political engagement in three advanced democracies. Information Communication & Society, 17(2), 151-167.
  • Yang, G. (2010). The power of the Internet in china: citizen activism online. Columbia University Press.
  • Yinjiao, Y., Ping, X., & Zhnag, M. (2016). Social media, public discourse and civic engagement in modern China. Thematics and Informatics, 34, 705-714

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    APA : Mahmood, Q., Gull, Z., & Alam, R. N. (2022). Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V(I), 206-214.
    CHICAGO : Mahmood, Qasim, Zarmina Gull, and Rao Nadeem Alam. 2022. "Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (I): 206-214 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-I).20
    HARVARD : MAHMOOD, Q., GULL, Z. & ALAM, R. N. 2022. Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 206-214.
    MHRA : Mahmood, Qasim, Zarmina Gull, and Rao Nadeem Alam. 2022. "Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 206-214
    MLA : Mahmood, Qasim, Zarmina Gull, and Rao Nadeem Alam. "Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.I (2022): 206-214 Print.
    OXFORD : Mahmood, Qasim, Gull, Zarmina, and Alam, Rao Nadeem (2022), "Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (I), 206-214
    TURABIAN : Mahmood, Qasim, Zarmina Gull, and Rao Nadeem Alam. "Re-Conceptualizing Public Sphere in the Digital Era: From Habermas' Public Sphere to Digitally Networked Public Sphere." Global Digital & Print Media Review V, no. I (2022): 206-214.