ROLE OF RADIO IN AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT      10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-IV).06      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : Muhammad Ahsan Bhatti , Rabia Tahir , Rahat Siddique

06 Pages : 68-82


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  • Ani, A. O. (2006). Potential of oasis for sustainable agricultural production in Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science, 43(1), 1- 5.
  • Ani, A., & Baba, S. (2010). Utilization of Selected Electronic Mass Media as Sources of Agricultural Information by Farmers in Northern Taraba State, Nigeria. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 12(1), 17.
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  • Atkin, G. (1987). Developing countries Farm Radio Network towards solving the world food problem. World Farming Time, USA. 2(11):20-23
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  • Buckley, S. et al. (2008). Broadcasting Voice and Accountability: A public interest approach to policy, law and Regulation. University of Michigan Press. USA
  • CEDA. (2001). Impact Evaluation of AICC’s Publication, Radio and Television Program, Final report. Economic Survey. 2011, Government of Nepal.
  • Ekoja, I. (2003). Farmer’s access to agricultural information in Nigeria. Bulletin of the American society for information science and technology, 29(6): 21- 23.
  • Enitan, O. (1988). Comparative Analysis of Radio and Television Drama. Unpublished Bsc Thesis. University of Ibadan. Ibadan, Nigeria.
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  • Farm Radio International. (2007). Proposal submitted to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the African Farm Radio Research Initiative. Ottawa.
  • Fassard, E. D. (2005). Writing and Producing Radio Dramas. Sage Publications. New Delhi.
  • Haerah, A., Gani, R., Schubert, B., & Zehrfield, E. H. (1979). Manual of Operations for an Agricultural Market Information Service, Indonesian German Technical Cooperation Project. ATA 85/86 Publication No. 7
  • Hussain, M. (1997). Mass media. In: Memon, R.A. and E. Basir (eds.), Extension Methods. 208–61. National Book Foundation, Islamabad–Pakistan.
  • Kelsey, D. L. & Hearne, C. C. (1955). Cooperative Extension Work. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Pub. Associates.
  • Leroux, N., Wortman, M. S., & Mathias, E. (2001). Dominant factors impacting the development of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in agriculture. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 4(2), 205–218.
  • Mazhar, A. (1998). Media role in process of efficient technology transfer. Ayub Agric. Res. Instt.
  • Mohammad, R. N., Salleh, M. D., & Hasbullah, A. H. (2010).” Radio as an Educational Media: impact on Agricultural Development”. The Journal of South East Asia Research Centre for communication and Humanities, (2), 13-20.
  • Murty & Albino. (2012). Electronic media in rural agricultural business- A promotional injection. National monthly refereedjournal of research in science & technology, 1 (11), 63-68.
  • Okwu, O. J., A. A., Kuku, & Aba, J. I. (2007). An assessment of use of radio in agricultural information dissemination: a case study of radio Benue in Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (1): 014-018
  • Omenesa, Z. (1994). The Role of Media in Agricultural Extension Communication. A Paper Delivered at the Training of Media Officers in Research Institutes. ABU Zaria March, 1994. p. 5.
  • Saadi, H., Mahdei, K. N., & Movahedi, R. (2008). Surveying on Wheat Farmersâ€TM Access and Confidence to Information and Communication Channels (ICCs) about Controlling Eurygaster integriceps in Hamedan Province of Iran. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 3(2), 497–501.
  • Sharma, N. K. (2008). Impact Study of Farm radio Program produced by Agriculture information and Communication Centre: A case Study from the farmers of Phalebas Kannigian V.D.C. of Parvat District, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, T.U.
  • Ahmed. (2015). To study effectiveness of channels of communication of the transfer of agriculture technology of wheat, sugar cane and cotton to the farmer in tehsil KotAdu of district Muzzafargarh. M.Sc. (Hons.) Thesis.Deptt.OfAgric. Ext. Univ. of Agric. Faisalabad.
  • Ani, A. O. (2006). Potential of oasis for sustainable agricultural production in Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science, 43(1), 1- 5.
  • Ani, A., & Baba, S. (2010). Utilization of Selected Electronic Mass Media as Sources of Agricultural Information by Farmers in Northern Taraba State, Nigeria. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 12(1), 17.
  • Arokoyo, T. (2003). ICT for agriculture extension transformation. Proceeding of ICT’s –transforming agriculture extension? CTA’s observatory on ICTs. Sixth Consultative Expert Meeting. Wageningen, 23 – 25.
  • Atkin, G. (1987). Developing countries Farm Radio Network towards solving the world food problem. World Farming Time, USA. 2(11):20-23
  • Ayaz, M. (1993). Extension and Communication. In: E. Bashir, (Ed.) Extension Methods. National Book Foundation, Islamabad. 121- 152
  • Behrens, J.H., & Evans, J.F.( 1984). Using mass media for extension teaching. In: B. E. Swanson (Ed.) Agricultural Extension: a reference manual. 2nd ed. FAO, United Nations, Rome. 144-155.
  • Buckley, S. et al. (2008). Broadcasting Voice and Accountability: A public interest approach to policy, law and Regulation. University of Michigan Press. USA
  • CEDA. (2001). Impact Evaluation of AICC’s Publication, Radio and Television Program, Final report. Economic Survey. 2011, Government of Nepal.
  • Ekoja, I. (2003). Farmer’s access to agricultural information in Nigeria. Bulletin of the American society for information science and technology, 29(6): 21- 23.
  • Enitan, O. (1988). Comparative Analysis of Radio and Television Drama. Unpublished Bsc Thesis. University of Ibadan. Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • FAO. (2005). Knowledge and information for food security in Africa from traditional media to the Internet. Communication for Development Group, Sustainable Development Department. Rome: FAO.
  • Farm Radio International. (2007). Proposal submitted to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the African Farm Radio Research Initiative. Ottawa.
  • Fassard, E. D. (2005). Writing and Producing Radio Dramas. Sage Publications. New Delhi.
  • Haerah, A., Gani, R., Schubert, B., & Zehrfield, E. H. (1979). Manual of Operations for an Agricultural Market Information Service, Indonesian German Technical Cooperation Project. ATA 85/86 Publication No. 7
  • Hussain, M. (1997). Mass media. In: Memon, R.A. and E. Basir (eds.), Extension Methods. 208–61. National Book Foundation, Islamabad–Pakistan.
  • Kelsey, D. L. & Hearne, C. C. (1955). Cooperative Extension Work. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Pub. Associates.
  • Leroux, N., Wortman, M. S., & Mathias, E. (2001). Dominant factors impacting the development of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in agriculture. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 4(2), 205–218.
  • Mazhar, A. (1998). Media role in process of efficient technology transfer. Ayub Agric. Res. Instt.
  • Mohammad, R. N., Salleh, M. D., & Hasbullah, A. H. (2010).” Radio as an Educational Media: impact on Agricultural Development”. The Journal of South East Asia Research Centre for communication and Humanities, (2), 13-20.
  • Murty & Albino. (2012). Electronic media in rural agricultural business- A promotional injection. National monthly refereedjournal of research in science & technology, 1 (11), 63-68.
  • Okwu, O. J., A. A., Kuku, & Aba, J. I. (2007). An assessment of use of radio in agricultural information dissemination: a case study of radio Benue in Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (1): 014-018
  • Omenesa, Z. (1994). The Role of Media in Agricultural Extension Communication. A Paper Delivered at the Training of Media Officers in Research Institutes. ABU Zaria March, 1994. p. 5.
  • Saadi, H., Mahdei, K. N., & Movahedi, R. (2008). Surveying on Wheat Farmersâ€TM Access and Confidence to Information and Communication Channels (ICCs) about Controlling Eurygaster integriceps in Hamedan Province of Iran. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 3(2), 497–501.
  • Sharma, N. K. (2008). Impact Study of Farm radio Program produced by Agriculture information and Communication Centre: A case Study from the farmers of Phalebas Kannigian V.D.C. of Parvat District, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, T.U.

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    CHICAGO : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Rabia Tahir, and Rahat Siddique. 2022. "Role of Radio in Agriculture Development." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (IV): 68-82 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-IV).06
    HARVARD : BHATTI, M. A., TAHIR, R. & SIDDIQUE, R. 2022. Role of Radio in Agriculture Development. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 68-82.
    MHRA : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Rabia Tahir, and Rahat Siddique. 2022. "Role of Radio in Agriculture Development." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 68-82
    MLA : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Rabia Tahir, and Rahat Siddique. "Role of Radio in Agriculture Development." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.IV (2022): 68-82 Print.
    OXFORD : Bhatti, Muhammad Ahsan, Tahir, Rabia, and Siddique, Rahat (2022), "Role of Radio in Agriculture Development", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (IV), 68-82