Authored by : Assad Ullah , Bin Yamin Khan , Rooh ul Amin Khan

17 Pages : 172-185


  • Abbott, A. (2021). COVID's mental-health toll: how scientists are tracking a surge in depression. Nature, 590(7845), 194-196.
  • Afroz, S., Brennan, M., & Greenstadt, R. (2012). Detecting hoaxes, frauds, and deception in writing style online. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
  • Agius, S., Grech, A., & Grech, V. (2020). The way in which COVID-19 changed behaviour on social media in Malta. Early Human Development.
  • Ahmad, A. R., & Murad, H. R. (2020). The Impact of Social Media on Panic During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iraqi Kurdistan: Online Questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19556.
  • Albashtawy, M., Gharaibeh, H., Alhalaiqa, F., Batiha, A.-M., Freij, M., Saifan, A., Khamaiseh, A. (2016). The health belief model’s impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer. Iranian journal of public health, 45(5), 708-709.
  • Ali, M. Y., & Gatiti, P. (2020). The COVID‐19 (Coronavirus) pandemic: reflections on the roles of librarians and information professionals. Health Information &Amp; Libraries Journal, 37(2), 158–162.
  • llcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211–236.
  • Almahasees, Z., & Jaccomard, H. (2020). Facebook Translation Service (FTS) Usage among Jordanians during COVID-19 Lockdown. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 5(6), 514–519.
  • Almunawar, M. N., Anshari, M., & Susanto, H. (2018). Adopting Open Source Software in Smartphone Manufacturers' Open Innovation Strategy Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. 7369-7381. IGI Global.
  • Alzoubi, H., Alnawaiseh, N., Al-Mnayyis, A., Abu- Lubad, M., Aqel, A., & Al-Shagahin, H. (2020). COVID-19 - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Medical and Non- Medical University Students in Jordan. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 14(1), 17–24.
  • Atlani-Duault, L., Ward, J. K., Roy, M., Morin, C., & Wilson, A. (2020). Tracking online heroisation and blame in epidemics. The Lancet Public Health, 5(3), e137–e138.
  • Avery, E. (2010). Contextual and audience moderators of channel selection and message reception of public health information in routine and crisis situations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(4), 378-403.
  • Baines, D., & Elliott, R. (2020). Defining misinformation, disinformation and malinformation: An urgent need for clarity during the COVID-19 infodemic. Discussion papers, 20(06), 20-06.
  • Balmas, M. (2012). When Fake News Becomes Real. Communication Research, 41(3), 430– 454.
  • Bao, H., Cao, B., Xiong, Y., & Tang, W. (2020). Digital Media’s Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 8(9), e20156.
  • Bassetti, M., Vena, A., & Giacobbe, D. R. (2020). The novel Chinese coronavirus (2019‐ nCoV) infections: Challenges for fighting the storm. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 50(3).
  • Bastani, P., & Bahrami, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 Related Misinformation on Social Media: A Qualitative Study from Iran (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • Berube, D. M. (2021). A Story About Toilet Paper: Pandemic Panic-Buying and Public Resilience Pandemic Communication and Resilience. 143-165. Springer.
  • Bessi, A., & Ferrara, E. (2016). Social bots distort the 2016 US Presidential election online discussion. First Monday, 21(11-7), 1-14.
  • Bilandzic, H., & Rössler, P. (2004). Life according to television. Implications of genre-specific cultivation effects: The gratification/cultivation model.
  • Brewer, K. (2020). Coronavirus: how to protect your mental health. BBC News.
  • Casero-Ripollés, A. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak. Casero- Ripollés,
  • Andreu (2020). "Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak ". El profesional de la información, 29(2), 290- 223.
  • Cellan-Jones, R. (2020). Tech Tent: Is social media spreading the virus. BBC News.
  • Charles-Smith, L. E., Reynolds, T. L., Cameron, M. A., Conway, M., Lau, E. H. Y., Olsen, J. M., Pavlin, J. A., Shigematsu, M., Streichert, L. C., Suda, K. J., & Corley, C. D. (2015). Using Social Media for Actionable Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Management: A Systematic Literature Review. PLOS ONE, 10(10), e0139701.
  • Depoux, A., Martin, S., Karafillakis, E., Preet, R., Wilder-Smith, A., & Larson, H. (2020). The pandemic of social media panic travels faster than the COVID-19 outbreak (Vol. 27, pp. taaa031): Oxford University Press.
  • Dhir, A., Chen, G. M., & Chen, S. (2017). Why do we tag photographs on Facebook? Proposing a new gratifications scale. New Media & Society, 19(4), 502-521.
  • Ding, H. (2014). Transnational quarantine rhetorics: public mobilization in SARS and in H1N1 flu. Journal of medical humanities, 35(2), 191-210.
  • Ejaz, W., & Ittefaq, M. (2020). Data for understanding trust in varied information sources, use of news media, and perception of misinformation regarding COVID-19 in Pakistan. Data in Brief, 32, 106091.
  • Emmott, R. (2020). Russia deploying coronavirus disinformation to sow panic in West, EU document says . Reuters World News.
  • Erku, D. A., Belachew, S. A., Abrha, S., Sinnollareddy, M., Thomas, J., Steadman, K. J., & Tesfaye, W. H. (2020). When fear and misinformation go viral: Pharmacists' role in deterring medication misinformation during the 'infodemic' surrounding COVID- 19. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(1), 1954-1963.
  • Etzioni, O., Banko, M., Soderland, S., & Weld, D. S. (2008). Open information extraction from the web. Communications of the ACM, 51(12), 68-74.
  • Eysenbach, G. (2002). Infodemiology: The epidemiology of (mis) information. The American journal of medicine, 113(9), 763- 765.
  • Fang, J., Wang, X., Wen, Z., & Zhou, J. (2020). Fear of missing out and problematic social media use as mediators between emotional support from social media and phubbing behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 107, 106430.
  • Fernandez-Guerrero, I. M. (2014). “WhatsAppitis.” The Lancet, 383(9922), 1040.
  • Freitas, M. P. d., Vieira, C. C., Garimella, K., Melo, P. O., & Benevenuto, F. (2019). Can WhatsApp counter misinformation by limiting message forwarding? Paper presented at the International conference on complex networks and their applications. 1- 13.
  • Frenkel, S., Alba, D., & Zhong, R. (2020). Surge of virus misinformation stumps Facebook and Twitter. The New York Times, 8.
  • Garrett, O. (2020). A Case of Modern Mass Hysteria. The Coronavirus.
  • GERBER, A. S., HUBER, G. A., & WASHINGTON, E. (2010). Party Affiliation, Partisanship, and Political Beliefs: A Field Experiment. American Political Science Review, 104(4), 720–744.
  • Gerbner, G., & Gross, L. (2017). Living with television: The violence profile The Fear of Crime. 169-195: Routledge.
  • Gesser-Edelsburg, A., Diamant, A., Hijazi, R., & Mesch, G. S. (2018). Correcting misinformation by health organizations during measles outbreaks: A controlled experiment. PLOS ONE, 13(12), e0209505.
  • Gever, V. C., Talabi, F. O., Adelabu, O., Sanusi, B. O., & Talabi, J. M. (2021). Modeling predictors of COVID-19 health behaviour adoption, sustenance and discontinuation among social media users in Nigeria. Telematics and Informatics, 60, 101584.
  • Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gold, H. (2020). Inside the WHO's fight to stop false information about coronavirus from spreading.
  • González-Padilla, D. A., & Tortolero-Blanco, L. (2020). Social media influence in the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Braz J Urol, 46(suppl 1), 120–124.
  • Goshayeshi, L., Pourahmadi, A., Ghayour- Mobarhan, M., Hashtarkhani, S., Karimian, S., Shahhosein Dastjerdi, R., Eghbali, B., Seyfi, E., & Kiani, B. (2019). Colorectal cancer risk factors in north-eastern Iran: A retrospective cross-sectional study based on geographical information systems, spatial autocorrelation and regression analysis. Geospatial Health, 14(2).
  • Hosseini, N., Fakhar, F., Kiani, B., & Eslami, S. (2019). Enhancing the security of patients’ portals and websites by detecting malicious web crawlers using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 132, 103976.
  • La, V. P., Pham, T. H., Ho, M. T., Nguyen, M. H., P. Nguyen, K. L., Vuong, T. T., Nguyen, H. K. T., Tran, T., Khuc, Q., Ho, M. T., & Vuong, Q. H. (2020). Policy Response, Social Media and Science Journalism for the Sustainability of the Public Health System Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Vietnam Lessons. Sustainability, 12(7), 2931.
  • Larson, H. J. (2018). The biggest pandemic risk? Viral misinformation. Nature, 562(7726), 309-310.
  • Lin, X., & Kishore, R. (2021). Social media- enabled healthcare: A conceptual model of social media affordances, online social support, and health behaviors and outcomes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120574.
  • Loxton, M., Truskett, R., Scarf, B., Sindone, L., Baldry, G., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Consumer Behaviour during Crises: Preliminary Research on How Coronavirus Has Manifested Consumer Panic Buying, Herd Mentality, Changing Discretionary Spending and the Role of the Media in Influencing Behaviour. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(8), 166.
  • Lwin, M. O., Lu, J., Sheldenkar, A., Schulz, P. J., Shin, W., Gupta, R., & Yang, Y. (2020). Global Sentiments Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Analysis of Twitter Trends. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), e19447.
  • Molla, R. (2020). How coronavirus took over social media.
  • Naslund, J., Aschbrenner, K., Marsch, L., & Bartels, S. The future of mental health care: peer-to-peer support and social media. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2016 Apr; 25 (2): 113–22.
  • Ng, Y. J., Yang, Z. J., & Vishwanath, A. (2017). To fear or not to fear? Applying the social amplification of risk framework on two environmental health risks in Singapore. Journal of Risk Research, 21(12), 1487– 1501.
  • Ohst, B., & Tuschen-Caffier, B. (2018). Catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and external events in panic disorder, other anxiety disorders, and healthy subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0194493.
  • Ouyang, A., Inverso, N. A., Chow, S. M., Kumar, A., & Zhong, B. (2016). Mo1639 “Listening” to IBS Patients in the 21st Century: Offerings From an On-Line Self Help and Support Group. Gastroenterology, 150(4), S739.
  • Ouyang, H. (2020). At the Front Lines of Coronavirus, Turning to Social Media. The New York Times.
  • Radwan, E., Radwan, A., & Radwan, W. (2020). The role of social media in spreading panic among primary and secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online questionnaire study from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Heliyon, 6(12), e05807.
  • Rana, W., Mukhtar, S., & Mukhtar, S. (2020). COVID-19 in Pakistan: current status, challenges and recommendations.
  • Riddle, K. (2009). Cultivation theory revisited: The impact of childhood television viewing levels on social reality beliefs and construct accessibility in adulthood. International Communication Association, 2(15), 1-29.
  • Saqlain, M., Munir, M. M., Ahmed, A., Tahir, A. H., & Kamran, S. (2020). Is Pakistan prepared to tackle the coronavirus epidemic? Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 36, 213-124.
  • Setbon, M., & Raude, J. (2010). Factors in vaccination intention against the pandemic influenza A/H1N1. The European Journal of Public Health, 20(5), 490–494.
  • Sommariva, S., Vamos, C., Mantzarlis, A., Đào, L. U. L., & Martinez Tyson, D. (2018). Spreading the (Fake) News: Exploring Health Messages on Social Media and the Implications for Health Professionals Using a Case Study. American Journal of Health Education, 49(4), 246–255.
  • Sundar, S. S. (2008). The MAIN model: A heuristic approach to understanding technology effects on credibility: MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Initiative Cambridge, MA, 73-100.
  • Skoll, D., Miller, J. C., & Saxon, L. A. (2020). COVID-19 testing and infection surveillance: Is a combined digital contact- tracing and mass-testing solution feasible in the United States? Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, 1(3), 149–159.
  • Tan, Y. T., Rehm, I. C., Stevenson, J. L., & De Foe, A. (2021b). Social Media Peer Support Groups for Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: Understanding the Predictors of Negative Experiences. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 661–672.
  • Thorson, E. (2008). CHANGING PATTERNS OF NEWS CONSUMPTION AND PARTICIPATION. Information, Communication &Amp; Society, 11(4), 473–489.
  • orales, J., O’Higgins, M., Castaldelli-Maia, J. M., & Ventriglio, A. (2020). The outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on global mental health. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 66(4), 317–320.
  • Waris, A., Atta, U., Ali, M., Asmat, A., & Baset, A. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak: current scenario of Pakistan. New Microbes and New Infections, 35, 100681.
  • Wilson, M. E., & Chen, L. H. (2020). Travellers give wings to novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV) (Vol. 27, pp. taaa015): Oxford University Press.
  • Wirnhier, E., Mesch, M. B., Senker, J., & Schnick, W. (2012). Formation and Characterization of Melam, Melam Hydrate, and a Melam- Melem Adduct. Chemistry - a European Journal, 19(6), 2041–2049.
  • Yousaf, M., Zahir, S., Riaz, M., Hussain, S. M., & Shah, K. (2020). Statistical analysis of forecasting COVID-19 for upcoming month in Pakistan. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 138, 109926.
  • Zhao, J., Han, H., Zhong, B., Xie, W., Chen, Y., & Zhi, M. (2021). Health information on social media helps mitigate Crohn’s disease symptoms and improves patients’ clinical course. Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 106588.
  • Zhao, Y., & Zhang, J. (2017). Consumer health information seeking in social media: a literature review. Health Information &Amp; Libraries Journal, 34(4), 268–283.
  • Abbott, A. (2021). COVID's mental-health toll: how scientists are tracking a surge in depression. Nature, 590(7845), 194-196.
  • Afroz, S., Brennan, M., & Greenstadt, R. (2012). Detecting hoaxes, frauds, and deception in writing style online. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
  • Agius, S., Grech, A., & Grech, V. (2020). The way in which COVID-19 changed behaviour on social media in Malta. Early Human Development.
  • Ahmad, A. R., & Murad, H. R. (2020). The Impact of Social Media on Panic During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iraqi Kurdistan: Online Questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19556.
  • Albashtawy, M., Gharaibeh, H., Alhalaiqa, F., Batiha, A.-M., Freij, M., Saifan, A., Khamaiseh, A. (2016). The health belief model’s impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer. Iranian journal of public health, 45(5), 708-709.
  • Ali, M. Y., & Gatiti, P. (2020). The COVID‐19 (Coronavirus) pandemic: reflections on the roles of librarians and information professionals. Health Information &Amp; Libraries Journal, 37(2), 158–162.
  • llcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211–236.
  • Almahasees, Z., & Jaccomard, H. (2020). Facebook Translation Service (FTS) Usage among Jordanians during COVID-19 Lockdown. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 5(6), 514–519.
  • Almunawar, M. N., Anshari, M., & Susanto, H. (2018). Adopting Open Source Software in Smartphone Manufacturers' Open Innovation Strategy Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. 7369-7381. IGI Global.
  • Alzoubi, H., Alnawaiseh, N., Al-Mnayyis, A., Abu- Lubad, M., Aqel, A., & Al-Shagahin, H. (2020). COVID-19 - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Medical and Non- Medical University Students in Jordan. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 14(1), 17–24.
  • Atlani-Duault, L., Ward, J. K., Roy, M., Morin, C., & Wilson, A. (2020). Tracking online heroisation and blame in epidemics. The Lancet Public Health, 5(3), e137–e138.
  • Avery, E. (2010). Contextual and audience moderators of channel selection and message reception of public health information in routine and crisis situations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(4), 378-403.
  • Baines, D., & Elliott, R. (2020). Defining misinformation, disinformation and malinformation: An urgent need for clarity during the COVID-19 infodemic. Discussion papers, 20(06), 20-06.
  • Balmas, M. (2012). When Fake News Becomes Real. Communication Research, 41(3), 430– 454.
  • Bao, H., Cao, B., Xiong, Y., & Tang, W. (2020). Digital Media’s Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 8(9), e20156.
  • Bassetti, M., Vena, A., & Giacobbe, D. R. (2020). The novel Chinese coronavirus (2019‐ nCoV) infections: Challenges for fighting the storm. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 50(3).
  • Bastani, P., & Bahrami, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 Related Misinformation on Social Media: A Qualitative Study from Iran (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • Berube, D. M. (2021). A Story About Toilet Paper: Pandemic Panic-Buying and Public Resilience Pandemic Communication and Resilience. 143-165. Springer.
  • Bessi, A., & Ferrara, E. (2016). Social bots distort the 2016 US Presidential election online discussion. First Monday, 21(11-7), 1-14.
  • Bilandzic, H., & Rössler, P. (2004). Life according to television. Implications of genre-specific cultivation effects: The gratification/cultivation model.
  • Brewer, K. (2020). Coronavirus: how to protect your mental health. BBC News.
  • Casero-Ripollés, A. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak. Casero- Ripollés,
  • Andreu (2020). "Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak ". El profesional de la información, 29(2), 290- 223.
  • Cellan-Jones, R. (2020). Tech Tent: Is social media spreading the virus. BBC News.
  • Charles-Smith, L. E., Reynolds, T. L., Cameron, M. A., Conway, M., Lau, E. H. Y., Olsen, J. M., Pavlin, J. A., Shigematsu, M., Streichert, L. C., Suda, K. J., & Corley, C. D. (2015). Using Social Media for Actionable Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Management: A Systematic Literature Review. PLOS ONE, 10(10), e0139701.
  • Depoux, A., Martin, S., Karafillakis, E., Preet, R., Wilder-Smith, A., & Larson, H. (2020). The pandemic of social media panic travels faster than the COVID-19 outbreak (Vol. 27, pp. taaa031): Oxford University Press.
  • Dhir, A., Chen, G. M., & Chen, S. (2017). Why do we tag photographs on Facebook? Proposing a new gratifications scale. New Media & Society, 19(4), 502-521.
  • Ding, H. (2014). Transnational quarantine rhetorics: public mobilization in SARS and in H1N1 flu. Journal of medical humanities, 35(2), 191-210.
  • Ejaz, W., & Ittefaq, M. (2020). Data for understanding trust in varied information sources, use of news media, and perception of misinformation regarding COVID-19 in Pakistan. Data in Brief, 32, 106091.
  • Emmott, R. (2020). Russia deploying coronavirus disinformation to sow panic in West, EU document says . Reuters World News.
  • Erku, D. A., Belachew, S. A., Abrha, S., Sinnollareddy, M., Thomas, J., Steadman, K. J., & Tesfaye, W. H. (2020). When fear and misinformation go viral: Pharmacists' role in deterring medication misinformation during the 'infodemic' surrounding COVID- 19. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(1), 1954-1963.
  • Etzioni, O., Banko, M., Soderland, S., & Weld, D. S. (2008). Open information extraction from the web. Communications of the ACM, 51(12), 68-74.
  • Eysenbach, G. (2002). Infodemiology: The epidemiology of (mis) information. The American journal of medicine, 113(9), 763- 765.
  • Fang, J., Wang, X., Wen, Z., & Zhou, J. (2020). Fear of missing out and problematic social media use as mediators between emotional support from social media and phubbing behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 107, 106430.
  • Fernandez-Guerrero, I. M. (2014). “WhatsAppitis.” The Lancet, 383(9922), 1040.
  • Freitas, M. P. d., Vieira, C. C., Garimella, K., Melo, P. O., & Benevenuto, F. (2019). Can WhatsApp counter misinformation by limiting message forwarding? Paper presented at the International conference on complex networks and their applications. 1- 13.
  • Frenkel, S., Alba, D., & Zhong, R. (2020). Surge of virus misinformation stumps Facebook and Twitter. The New York Times, 8.
  • Garrett, O. (2020). A Case of Modern Mass Hysteria. The Coronavirus.
  • GERBER, A. S., HUBER, G. A., & WASHINGTON, E. (2010). Party Affiliation, Partisanship, and Political Beliefs: A Field Experiment. American Political Science Review, 104(4), 720–744.
  • Gerbner, G., & Gross, L. (2017). Living with television: The violence profile The Fear of Crime. 169-195: Routledge.
  • Gesser-Edelsburg, A., Diamant, A., Hijazi, R., & Mesch, G. S. (2018). Correcting misinformation by health organizations during measles outbreaks: A controlled experiment. PLOS ONE, 13(12), e0209505.
  • Gever, V. C., Talabi, F. O., Adelabu, O., Sanusi, B. O., & Talabi, J. M. (2021). Modeling predictors of COVID-19 health behaviour adoption, sustenance and discontinuation among social media users in Nigeria. Telematics and Informatics, 60, 101584.
  • Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gold, H. (2020). Inside the WHO's fight to stop false information about coronavirus from spreading.
  • González-Padilla, D. A., & Tortolero-Blanco, L. (2020). Social media influence in the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Braz J Urol, 46(suppl 1), 120–124.
  • Goshayeshi, L., Pourahmadi, A., Ghayour- Mobarhan, M., Hashtarkhani, S., Karimian, S., Shahhosein Dastjerdi, R., Eghbali, B., Seyfi, E., & Kiani, B. (2019). Colorectal cancer risk factors in north-eastern Iran: A retrospective cross-sectional study based on geographical information systems, spatial autocorrelation and regression analysis. Geospatial Health, 14(2).
  • Hosseini, N., Fakhar, F., Kiani, B., & Eslami, S. (2019). Enhancing the security of patients’ portals and websites by detecting malicious web crawlers using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 132, 103976.
  • La, V. P., Pham, T. H., Ho, M. T., Nguyen, M. H., P. Nguyen, K. L., Vuong, T. T., Nguyen, H. K. T., Tran, T., Khuc, Q., Ho, M. T., & Vuong, Q. H. (2020). Policy Response, Social Media and Science Journalism for the Sustainability of the Public Health System Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Vietnam Lessons. Sustainability, 12(7), 2931.
  • Larson, H. J. (2018). The biggest pandemic risk? Viral misinformation. Nature, 562(7726), 309-310.
  • Lin, X., & Kishore, R. (2021). Social media- enabled healthcare: A conceptual model of social media affordances, online social support, and health behaviors and outcomes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120574.
  • Loxton, M., Truskett, R., Scarf, B., Sindone, L., Baldry, G., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Consumer Behaviour during Crises: Preliminary Research on How Coronavirus Has Manifested Consumer Panic Buying, Herd Mentality, Changing Discretionary Spending and the Role of the Media in Influencing Behaviour. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(8), 166.
  • Lwin, M. O., Lu, J., Sheldenkar, A., Schulz, P. J., Shin, W., Gupta, R., & Yang, Y. (2020). Global Sentiments Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Analysis of Twitter Trends. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), e19447.
  • Molla, R. (2020). How coronavirus took over social media.
  • Naslund, J., Aschbrenner, K., Marsch, L., & Bartels, S. The future of mental health care: peer-to-peer support and social media. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2016 Apr; 25 (2): 113–22.
  • Ng, Y. J., Yang, Z. J., & Vishwanath, A. (2017). To fear or not to fear? Applying the social amplification of risk framework on two environmental health risks in Singapore. Journal of Risk Research, 21(12), 1487– 1501.
  • Ohst, B., & Tuschen-Caffier, B. (2018). Catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and external events in panic disorder, other anxiety disorders, and healthy subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0194493.
  • Ouyang, A., Inverso, N. A., Chow, S. M., Kumar, A., & Zhong, B. (2016). Mo1639 “Listening” to IBS Patients in the 21st Century: Offerings From an On-Line Self Help and Support Group. Gastroenterology, 150(4), S739.
  • Ouyang, H. (2020). At the Front Lines of Coronavirus, Turning to Social Media. The New York Times.
  • Radwan, E., Radwan, A., & Radwan, W. (2020). The role of social media in spreading panic among primary and secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online questionnaire study from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Heliyon, 6(12), e05807.
  • Rana, W., Mukhtar, S., & Mukhtar, S. (2020). COVID-19 in Pakistan: current status, challenges and recommendations.
  • Riddle, K. (2009). Cultivation theory revisited: The impact of childhood television viewing levels on social reality beliefs and construct accessibility in adulthood. International Communication Association, 2(15), 1-29.
  • Saqlain, M., Munir, M. M., Ahmed, A., Tahir, A. H., & Kamran, S. (2020). Is Pakistan prepared to tackle the coronavirus epidemic? Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 36, 213-124.
  • Setbon, M., & Raude, J. (2010). Factors in vaccination intention against the pandemic influenza A/H1N1. The European Journal of Public Health, 20(5), 490–494.
  • Sommariva, S., Vamos, C., Mantzarlis, A., Đào, L. U. L., & Martinez Tyson, D. (2018). Spreading the (Fake) News: Exploring Health Messages on Social Media and the Implications for Health Professionals Using a Case Study. American Journal of Health Education, 49(4), 246–255.
  • Sundar, S. S. (2008). The MAIN model: A heuristic approach to understanding technology effects on credibility: MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Initiative Cambridge, MA, 73-100.
  • Skoll, D., Miller, J. C., & Saxon, L. A. (2020). COVID-19 testing and infection surveillance: Is a combined digital contact- tracing and mass-testing solution feasible in the United States? Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, 1(3), 149–159.
  • Tan, Y. T., Rehm, I. C., Stevenson, J. L., & De Foe, A. (2021b). Social Media Peer Support Groups for Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: Understanding the Predictors of Negative Experiences. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 661–672.
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    APA : Ullah, A., Khan, B. Y., & Khan, R. u. A. (2022). Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V(I), 172-185.
    CHICAGO : Ullah, Assad, Bin Yamin Khan, and Rooh ul Amin Khan. 2022. "Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (I): 172-185 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-I).17
    HARVARD : ULLAH, A., KHAN, B. Y. & KHAN, R. U. A. 2022. Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 172-185.
    MHRA : Ullah, Assad, Bin Yamin Khan, and Rooh ul Amin Khan. 2022. "Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 172-185
    MLA : Ullah, Assad, Bin Yamin Khan, and Rooh ul Amin Khan. "Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.I (2022): 172-185 Print.
    OXFORD : Ullah, Assad, Khan, Bin Yamin, and Khan, Rooh ul Amin (2022), "Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (I), 172-185
    TURABIAN : Ullah, Assad, Bin Yamin Khan, and Rooh ul Amin Khan. "Role Of Social Media: Spreading Information Or Panic During Covid-19 Crisis In Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review V, no. I (2022): 172-185.