03 Pages : 29-43      10.31703/gdpmr.2020(III-I).03      Published : Dec 2020

Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students

    Cyber bullying is becoming major concern especially when social media is booming and the increase amount of usage of social media. To explain this phenomenon, theoretical frame work “Spiral of silence” theory is used in this research article. The survey was distributed to university students and to perform the survey 300 sample size of university students were chosen. The results were analyzed using Percentage method. Results indicated that university students who were victimized by cyber bullying experiences Harassment, threats, body shamming and hateful comments. Most of the cyber bullying victims are girls. The researcher was able to find how bullying affect mental health of youngsters. The researcher was also able to determine that cyber bullies is not always suicide is not ended up at suicide. The researcher also recommended that government should give awareness about bullying laws and it should be discuss in institutions as well.

    Cyber Bullying, Online Harassment, Mental Health, Body Shamming, Bullying Laws
    (1) Ramsha Jamal
    MPhil Scholar, SMCS, UMT Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Jamal, Ramsha. 2020. "Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students." Global Digital & Print Media Review, III (I): 29-43 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2020(III-I).03
    HARVARD : JAMAL, R. 2020. Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students. Global Digital & Print Media Review, III, 29-43.
    MHRA : Jamal, Ramsha. 2020. "Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students." Global Digital & Print Media Review, III: 29-43
    MLA : Jamal, Ramsha. "Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students." Global Digital & Print Media Review, III.I (2020): 29-43 Print.
    OXFORD : Jamal, Ramsha (2020), "Effects of Cyber Bullying on the Youth: A Case Study of Lahore Students", Global Digital & Print Media Review, III (I), 29-43