05 Pages : 44-59      10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).05      Published : Sep 2021

Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)

    This study, "suppression of Pakistani media during Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz's regimes in the post-2000 scenario," was analyzed through the prism of Authoritarian and Framing Theories by taking generic frames from Semetko & Valkenburg Model-2000 and some other issue-specific frames. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses with a distinct coding scheme were applied. SPSS Version-21 was utilized for descriptive statistics, variance, and multiple regression tests of the quantitative data with a sampling frame of 2880 of four newspapers. The qualitative data was examined with Nvivo software. Results disclosed that categories revealing media suppression dominated with 1404 (69.50%) items of the total 2020, while those suggesting media facilitation were only 538 (26.63%). The highest media suppression was reported during Musharraf's era. A relatively less significant difference was observed between Zardari and Nawaz regimes. Results partially supported the hypothesis of significant difference in media treatment by all three regimes.

    Suppression, Violence, Coercion, Regulation, Facilitation
    (1) Ghani ur Rahman
    Programme Manager at Radio Pakistan Headquarters, Islamabad, Pakistan
    (2) Javed Ahmed Khattak
    Controller News at PBC News Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Saqib Riaz
    Chairman, Department of Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Rahman, G. u., Khattak, J. A., & Riaz, S. (2021). Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes). Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV(III), 44-59.
    CHICAGO : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. 2021. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III): 44-59 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).05
    HARVARD : RAHMAN, G. U., KHATTAK, J. A. & RIAZ, S. 2021. Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes). Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV, 44-59.
    MHRA : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. 2021. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV: 44-59
    MLA : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV.III (2021): 44-59 Print.
    OXFORD : Rahman, Ghani ur, Khattak, Javed Ahmed, and Riaz, Saqib (2021), "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)", Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III), 44-59
    TURABIAN : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review IV, no. III (2021): 44-59.