05 Pages : 54-67      10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-IV).05      Published : Dec 2022

Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers

    This research study looks into newsroom convergence in Pakistan and looks at the newsrooms of four major newspapers: Dawn, Jang, The Nation, and Express. The study's goal is to discover how newsrooms are coping with digital innovations. Purposive sampling was used by the researcher to choose the four newsrooms and staff members, and observation and interviews were used as the research methods. The study found that editors in the newsrooms were concerned about the future of print media in the digital age and mulling ways to generate revenue for the print media for their survival, with some suggesting setting up paywalls on exclusive content on the newspapers’ websites and using local modes of payment such as EasyPaisa, JazzCash, etc for the readers. Overall, it is believed that convergence has led to better journalism in terms of the ease in production and distribution of content in the media, while it has also led to reduction of costs for the newspaper owners.

    Newsroom, Pakistan, Newspapers, Dawn, Jang, The Nation, Express
    (1) Muhammad Shahid
    PhD Scholar, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Amir Hamza Marwan
    Lecturer, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Shahid, Muhammad, and Amir Hamza Marwan. 2022. "Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (IV): 54-67 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-IV).05
    HARVARD : SHAHID, M. & MARWAN, A. H. 2022. Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 54-67.
    MHRA : Shahid, Muhammad, and Amir Hamza Marwan. 2022. "Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 54-67
    MLA : Shahid, Muhammad, and Amir Hamza Marwan. "Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.IV (2022): 54-67 Print.
    OXFORD : Shahid, Muhammad and Marwan, Amir Hamza (2022), "Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (IV), 54-67
    TURABIAN : Shahid, Muhammad, and Amir Hamza Marwan. "Impact of Convergence on Newsrooms of Pakistani Newspapers." Global Digital & Print Media Review V, no. IV (2022): 54-67.