The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan
Television crime series are immensely popular all around the world. The appeal of these shows is not limited to specific age clusters; relatively, all television viewers appreciate them. Hundreds of TV networks broadcast these crime dramas in Pakistan, just as they do in other countries. In addition, only a few networks broadcast crime shows during prime time, proving the genre's popularity. Crime shows are watched by a large number of people on a regular basis, which may lead to harmful and unfavorable behavioural outcomes. This research gives an overview on "media as a risk factor" in development of children. To identify and explain the topic at hand, previous scientific literature was sifted through. The literature study serves as a springboard for further investigation into the effects of TV crime shows and potential behavioural consequences which can be negative as well as positive.
Behavior, Genre's Popularity, Risk Factors, Violence
(1) Nasir Khan
Ph.D. Media Studies, Faculty of Media & Communication Studies, University of the Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Ghulam Shabir
Professor, Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, University of the Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Khan, N., & Shabir, G. (2022). The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V(III), 50-56 .
CHICAGO : Khan, Nasir, and Ghulam Shabir. 2022. "The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (III): 50-56 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-III).05
HARVARD : KHAN, N. & SHABIR, G. 2022. The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 50-56 .
MHRA : Khan, Nasir, and Ghulam Shabir. 2022. "The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 50-56
MLA : Khan, Nasir, and Ghulam Shabir. "The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.III (2022): 50-56 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Nasir and Shabir, Ghulam (2022), "The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (III), 50-56
TURABIAN : Khan, Nasir, and Ghulam Shabir. "The effects of Television Crime Shows on the behavioral development of Children in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review V, no. III (2022): 50-56 .