Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns
Web series are a prominent part of digital media with huge viewership among the youth. They are presented on web television and streamed only on an online network. The research study explored the consumption of web series and its effects on the perception of youth regarding intimate relationship patterns in Pakistan through the insight of ‘uses and gratification theory’ and ‘cultivation theory’. The researcher used, a quantitative method and conducted a survey of 300 youngsters, both male and female of Lahore between the age of 17-24 years. The results show that youth watch web series to gratify their affective, cognitive and tension-free needs and study fully satisfied the objectives. The statistical test of a generalized linear model of ordinal logistic regression revealed that web series' consumption has significant effects on the perception of youth regarding intimate relationship patterns and the youth have similar views about intimate relationships as shown in the series.
Consumption, Relationship, Intimate, Impact, Web Series, Youth
(1) Faiza Latif
Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Shabana Asgher
Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Zartaj Zafar
MS Scholar, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Latif, F., Asgher, S., & Zafar, Z. (2022). Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V(II), 183-197. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-II).17
CHICAGO : Latif, Faiza, Shabana Asgher, and Zartaj Zafar. 2022. "Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (II): 183-197 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-II).17
HARVARD : LATIF, F., ASGHER, S. & ZAFAR, Z. 2022. Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns. Global Digital & Print Media Review, V, 183-197.
MHRA : Latif, Faiza, Shabana Asgher, and Zartaj Zafar. 2022. "Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V: 183-197
MLA : Latif, Faiza, Shabana Asgher, and Zartaj Zafar. "Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns." Global Digital & Print Media Review, V.II (2022): 183-197 Print.
OXFORD : Latif, Faiza, Asgher, Shabana, and Zafar, Zartaj (2022), "Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns", Global Digital & Print Media Review, V (II), 183-197
TURABIAN : Latif, Faiza, Shabana Asgher, and Zartaj Zafar. "Web Series' Consumption and Perceptions of Youth regarding Intimate Relationship Patterns." Global Digital & Print Media Review V, no. II (2022): 183-197. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2022(V-II).17