Authored by : Ghani ur Rahman , Javed AhmedKhattak , Saqib Riaz

05 Pages : 44-59


  • Akhtar, N., & Pratt, C. B. (2017). Pakistani Government-News Media Relationships: How relevant are Western journalistic values?. Journalism Studies, 18(1), 65-85. 80/1461670X.2016.1221738
  • Ali, S. (2005), M.Phil. Thesis, A Comparative Study of Press-Government Relations in Pakistan (1993-2002), Department of Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • Aziz, I., & Ḥasan, K. (2008). Stop press: a life in journalism. Oxford University Press, USA
  • Chomsky, N. (2002). Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda (Vol. 7). Seven Stories Press. 2/ NoamChomsky_MediaControl_achieveme nts_propaganda.pdf
  • Coronel, S. (2010). Corruption and the watchdog role of the news media. Public Sentinel: News media and governance reform, 111-136. obat/WorldBankReport/Chapter 5 C oronel.pdf
  • Cull, N. J., Culbert, D. H., & Welch, D. (2003). Propaganda and mass persuasion: A historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present. ABC-CLIO. CLIOCorporate/product.aspx?pc=A1316C
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of communication, 43(4), 51-58.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1987). The Changing Culture of Affirmative Action in R.G. Braungart (Eds) Research in Political Sociology, Vol 3, pp.137-177 JAI Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. Harvard University Press.
  • Hsieh, H.-F., & Shannon, S.E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9), 1277- 1288.
  • International Media Support. (2009). Between Radicalisation and Democratisation in an Unfolding Conflict: Media in Pakistan.
  • Iqbal, Z. (2011). Mass media, the politics and the politicians- A mismatched troika of Pakistan. Email Publications.
  • Iyengar, S. (1994). Is anyone responsible?: How television frames political issues. University of Chicago Press.
  • Kavita, M. (2000), Pakistan: The Press for Change, 47c567c423. Html
  • Khan, A. Z. (2008). JinnahandtheMuslimPress. http://m-a- muslim-press.html.
  • Khurshid, Dr. A. S. (1963). Sahafat Pak-o-Hind Mein Urdu (Journalism in Pakistan & India), Lahore: Majlis-e-Tarraqi-e-Adab
  • Mathew, M. (2016), Media Self-regulation in India: A Critical Analysis, ILI Law Review, Winter Issue 2016, Indian Law Institute.
  • Mezzera, M., & Sial, S. (2010). Media and Governance in Pakistan: A controversial yet.
  • Newbold, C., Boyd-Barrett, O., & Van Den Bulck, H. (2002). The media book. London: Arnold (Hodder Headline).
  • Niazi, Z. (1986). The Press in Chains,. Karachi: Royal Book Co, 117
  • Niazi, Z. (1992). The Press Under Siege. Karachi Press Club.
  • Niazi, Z. (1994). The Web of Censorship. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Nordenstreng, K. (2007). Media and Society. Excerpted mainly from the following two publications; Hamelink, C. J., & Nordenstreng, K. (2007). Towards democratic media governance. Media between culture and commerce, 225-240. & Nordenstreng, K. (1985).
  • Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, (2018), s-periodicals-province.
  • Peshimam, G. (2013), Media-powered democracy: how media support has been pivotal to Pakistan's latest democratization project.
  • Rahman, I. A. (2017). The Stars that faded away, Dawn (December 13, 2017),
  • Riaz, S.(2003). Government Influence on Print Media Content in Pakistan: Pakistani Journalists' Perspective. International Journal of Humanistic Studies 2, 42-53.
  • Schultz, J. (1998). Reviving the fourth estate: democracy, accountability and the media. Cambridge University Press
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European Politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of communication, 50(2), 93- 109.
  • Woodring, J., & James, P. (2012). Fourth estate or mouthpiece? A formal model of media, protest, and government repression. Political Communication, 29(2), 113-136.
  • Yüksel, Y. (2013). An Analysis of the Media and Government Relationship. SELÇUK ÜNÄ°VERSÄ°TESÄ° Ä°LETİŞİM FAKÜLTESÄ° AKADEMÄ°K DERGÄ°SÄ°, 8(1), 57-70. 00007.
  • Yusuf, H., & Schoemaker, E. (2013). The media of Pakistan: Fostering inclusion in a fragile democracy. Policy Briefing, (9)
  • Zeeshan, M. (2012), State-Press Relations since 1947. press-relations-since-1947.html
  • Akhtar, N., & Pratt, C. B. (2017). Pakistani Government-News Media Relationships: How relevant are Western journalistic values?. Journalism Studies, 18(1), 65-85. 80/1461670X.2016.1221738
  • Ali, S. (2005), M.Phil. Thesis, A Comparative Study of Press-Government Relations in Pakistan (1993-2002), Department of Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • Aziz, I., & Ḥasan, K. (2008). Stop press: a life in journalism. Oxford University Press, USA
  • Chomsky, N. (2002). Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda (Vol. 7). Seven Stories Press. 2/ NoamChomsky_MediaControl_achieveme nts_propaganda.pdf
  • Coronel, S. (2010). Corruption and the watchdog role of the news media. Public Sentinel: News media and governance reform, 111-136. obat/WorldBankReport/Chapter 5 C oronel.pdf
  • Cull, N. J., Culbert, D. H., & Welch, D. (2003). Propaganda and mass persuasion: A historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present. ABC-CLIO. CLIOCorporate/product.aspx?pc=A1316C
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of communication, 43(4), 51-58.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1987). The Changing Culture of Affirmative Action in R.G. Braungart (Eds) Research in Political Sociology, Vol 3, pp.137-177 JAI Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. Harvard University Press.
  • Hsieh, H.-F., & Shannon, S.E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9), 1277- 1288.
  • International Media Support. (2009). Between Radicalisation and Democratisation in an Unfolding Conflict: Media in Pakistan.
  • Iqbal, Z. (2011). Mass media, the politics and the politicians- A mismatched troika of Pakistan. Email Publications.
  • Iyengar, S. (1994). Is anyone responsible?: How television frames political issues. University of Chicago Press.
  • Kavita, M. (2000), Pakistan: The Press for Change, 47c567c423. Html
  • Khan, A. Z. (2008). JinnahandtheMuslimPress. http://m-a- muslim-press.html.
  • Khurshid, Dr. A. S. (1963). Sahafat Pak-o-Hind Mein Urdu (Journalism in Pakistan & India), Lahore: Majlis-e-Tarraqi-e-Adab
  • Mathew, M. (2016), Media Self-regulation in India: A Critical Analysis, ILI Law Review, Winter Issue 2016, Indian Law Institute.
  • Mezzera, M., & Sial, S. (2010). Media and Governance in Pakistan: A controversial yet.
  • Newbold, C., Boyd-Barrett, O., & Van Den Bulck, H. (2002). The media book. London: Arnold (Hodder Headline).
  • Niazi, Z. (1986). The Press in Chains,. Karachi: Royal Book Co, 117
  • Niazi, Z. (1992). The Press Under Siege. Karachi Press Club.
  • Niazi, Z. (1994). The Web of Censorship. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Nordenstreng, K. (2007). Media and Society. Excerpted mainly from the following two publications; Hamelink, C. J., & Nordenstreng, K. (2007). Towards democratic media governance. Media between culture and commerce, 225-240. & Nordenstreng, K. (1985).
  • Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, (2018), s-periodicals-province.
  • Peshimam, G. (2013), Media-powered democracy: how media support has been pivotal to Pakistan's latest democratization project.
  • Rahman, I. A. (2017). The Stars that faded away, Dawn (December 13, 2017),
  • Riaz, S.(2003). Government Influence on Print Media Content in Pakistan: Pakistani Journalists' Perspective. International Journal of Humanistic Studies 2, 42-53.
  • Schultz, J. (1998). Reviving the fourth estate: democracy, accountability and the media. Cambridge University Press
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European Politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of communication, 50(2), 93- 109.
  • Woodring, J., & James, P. (2012). Fourth estate or mouthpiece? A formal model of media, protest, and government repression. Political Communication, 29(2), 113-136.
  • Yüksel, Y. (2013). An Analysis of the Media and Government Relationship. SELÇUK ÜNÄ°VERSÄ°TESÄ° Ä°LETİŞİM FAKÜLTESÄ° AKADEMÄ°K DERGÄ°SÄ°, 8(1), 57-70. 00007.
  • Yusuf, H., & Schoemaker, E. (2013). The media of Pakistan: Fostering inclusion in a fragile democracy. Policy Briefing, (9)
  • Zeeshan, M. (2012), State-Press Relations since 1947. press-relations-since-1947.html

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    APA : Rahman, G. u., Khattak, J. A., & Riaz, S. (2021). Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes). Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV(III), 44-59.
    CHICAGO : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. 2021. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III): 44-59 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2021(IV-III).05
    HARVARD : RAHMAN, G. U., KHATTAK, J. A. & RIAZ, S. 2021. Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes). Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV, 44-59.
    MHRA : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. 2021. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV: 44-59
    MLA : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV.III (2021): 44-59 Print.
    OXFORD : Rahman, Ghani ur, Khattak, Javed Ahmed, and Riaz, Saqib (2021), "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)", Global Digital & Print Media Review, IV (III), 44-59
    TURABIAN : Rahman, Ghani ur, Javed Ahmed Khattak, and Saqib Riaz. "Suppression of Pakistani Media in the Post-2000 Scenario (An analysis of Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Regimes)." Global Digital & Print Media Review IV, no. III (2021): 44-59.